What Glasses & Sunglasses Suit My Face?

Author: Anna Barden
On your journey to find the perfect pair of specs andor shades, you’ve probably found yourself asking, “What glasses suit my face? What sunglasses suit my face?” The answer depends on which physical attributes you wish to play up or down, as well as your individual style.
It can be a difficult decision, so we’ve put together a glasses guide to help you navigate the best glasses for face shapes — from triangular and oblong faces to sharp angles and soft curves.
Oval Faces
Oval-shaped faces are long with well-balanced proportions, including wide and high cheekbones that become narrower towards the forehead. The symmetry of an oval face makes it easy to find flattering glasses styles in just about any shape or size.
Glasses for Oval Faces
Men and women with oval faces have a lot of options when it comes to choosing new glasses. Bold glasses styles, shapes, colours, and patterns can all be suitable, depending on your personal preferences.
Remember that big and bold trends are usually favourable for oval faces because frames that are too narrow can overemphasise the length of your face.
Sunglasses for Oval Face Shapes
The best sunglasses for oval faces tend to be in the aviator, square, and rectangular frame families. But this shouldn’t limit your options — nearly every frame shape flatters the proportions of an oval face.
Don’t be afraid to mix things up with a retro cat-eye, or go for a daring look with an irregular shape or bright colour. At the end of the day, the best female and male sunglasses for oval faces are the ones that allow you to express yourself, no matter how subtle or obvious you are doing it.
Round Faces
The round face shape has equal curves and lines all the way around. The width remains the same from the top of your forehead to the bottom of your rounded jaw, and your cheekbones tend to be fuller.
Glasses for Round Face Shapes
The most flattering eyewear for round faces balances each natural curve. An angular eyeglass frame adds sharpness to soft lines. A cat-eye frame plays on the roundness of your cheeks, but also draws attention upward to your eyes and forehead. Rectangular and more narrow frames are also recommended because they seem to slim down any fullness and add length to your face.
Sunglasses for Round Faces
Like eyeglasses, the best sunglasses for men and women with round faces include sharper lines and angles to balance out your natural curves. Some of the easiest frames to achieve this include square, rectangular, and full-rimmed designs.
Square Faces
Square faces are known for the broadness of the jaw and forehead, as well as evenness between the length and width of the face. Unlike round faces that have soft curves, square faces have sharp angles on each side.
Glasses for Square Faces
Broad jawlines are well-suited by eyeglasses that draw attention upwards. A pair of frames situated at the top of your nose can give you some extra length for a flattering look.
Another way to dress up a square face is with oval glasses. Oval frames have both round and narrow elements, which can help balance sharp features. Some of our favourite styles in this category are rimless and semi-rimless frames.
Sunglasses for Square Face Shapes
When shopping for sunglasses for your square face, we recommend wide and round styles. These shapes enhance the symmetry of your sharp lines and complement the broadness of your forehead and jawline to give you a polished look.
Heart-Shaped Faces
Features of a heart-shaped face include a broad forehead, high cheekbones, and a narrow jawline. This combination makes heart-shaped faces relatively versatile when it comes to choosing a flattering new pair of glasses.
Glasses for Heart Face Shapes
Heart-shaped faces can be very narrow along the jawline, so a pair of glasses with a wider bottom can help balance this feature. Oval-shaped eyeglasses can also help draw attention away from your jawline if it’s especially narrow.
On the other hand, if you have a wider forehead that you want to avoid emphasising, a pair of glasses with lower temples may be more suitable. Rimless frames and glasses with a lighter colour palette are also favourable.
Sunglasses for Heart Faces
A great way to flatter your heart-shaped face is with a pair of sunglasses that mirrors your unique lines and curves. Look for frames with a round or deep base, a wide width, and wingtips or pointed corners. Aviators, way-shape frames, and cat-eyes all fit this criteria.
Triangle-Shaped Faces
A triangular face is similar to a square face. The jawline is broad and the cheekbones are wide but the forehead is much narrower. Adding width to the top of your triangular face is ideal, and there are plenty of glasses shapes that can help do this.
Glasses for Triangle Faces
A pair of glasses with unique details or bold colours at the top draws attention towards the top of your face. Frames with a rimless or minimised bottom portion can also help with this. Some of the best choices to meet this criteria include browline glasses, cat-eyes, and aviator shapes.
Sunglasses for Triangle Face Shapes
Triangle face shapes do well with frames that are wide at the top and narrow towards your jawline. (Basically the opposite of your natural facial features.) Similar to the best eyeglasses for triangular faces, the most flattering sunglass shapes tend to include cat-eye sunglasses, browlines, and aviator frames.
Diamond-Shaped Faces
A diamond-shaped face includes a narrow forehead and jawline, as well as wide or high cheekbones. While they are the rarest of all face shapes, diamond faces are just as easy to suit with the right pair of frames.
Glasses for Diamond Face Shapes
One of the simplest ways to flatter a diamond-shaped face is with spectacles that emphasise your eyes and downplay your bold cheekbones. Rimless and oval shapes are ideal, as well as frames that have a detailed browline.
Sunglasses for Diamond Faces
Diamond faces look great in sunglasses that add contrast to the rest of your face. Bold browlines and cat-eyes mesh balance round cheeks well. Rectangular and oval sunglasses can also add a soft touch to such pronounced traits.
Oblong Faces
Oblong faces are long and narrow, with high angular cheekbones. They usually have a tall forehead and a long nose. The best glasses for long faces are those that seem to add width to your slender features.
Glasses for Oblong Faces
Square frames with tall sides and rounded bottoms suit oblong faces. This particular shape can evenly weigh the angles of your face, and make the length between your forehead and chin appear shorter.
Sunglasses for Oblong Diamond Faces
Oversized square sunglasses are a great choice when trying to balance long lines. Sunglasses with a decorative top or bold temples — like browline sunglasses — can also add some width.
What Glasses Suit My Face Shape?
Everyone’s face shape is different. Some people have a combination of two shapes, and some people may even prefer styles that are not necessarily recommended for their physical characteristics!
The best pair for you depends on your preferences, style, and facial features. Whether you want glasses to tone down hard angles, enhance curves, or flaunt the latest trends in eyewear, Foster Grant has many frame options to choose from to fit your unique look.
- Best glasses for face shape: what glasses fit your face? Glasses.com. December 2022.*
- Sunglasses for oval faces. Eyebuydirect. Accessed January 2024.*
- Sunglasses for round faces. Eyebuydirect. May 2022.*
- The best glasses for your face shape and skin tone. All About Vision. February 2019.*
- What are the best glasses for my face shape? FramesDirect. Accessed January 2024.*
The sources listed here have been provided for informational purposes only. The citation of a particular source does not constitute an endorsement or approval of EssilorLuxottica products, services, or opinions by such source.
*Like Foster Grant, Glasses.com, Eyebuydirect, All About Vision, FramesDirect, and AAV Media, LLC are affiliates of EssilorLuxottica.